Friends 2020 Edition

  1. 6. According to Marco, LA loves to listen to this singer
  2. 8. Name of incredible combat team and new group chat
  3. 10. Longest running group chat name this year
  4. 11. Republicans
  5. 12. Fake virus that has “killed” over 300k Americans
  6. 13. Stock pick of the year (Thanks, Marco)
  7. 16. Bleve became one this year
  8. 17. Democrats
  9. 18. Extremely chaotic place in Jersey
  10. 19. Jared lives in one
  11. 22. Admittingly, Marco is no ____
  12. 23. If you’re about to hop on cod, your doing this
  1. 1. If you’re not bringing this, what are you doing?
  2. 2. Nick lost this extremely valuable organ during 2020
  3. 3. Pete’s hair is still this color
  4. 4. Blood came pouring out of this
  5. 5. Dangerous cloths per Marco, Nick, and Pele
  6. 7. Thing that Nick got after stating it wasn’t real
  7. 9. In honor of Bruce, we launched these into the Hudson
  8. 14. Team that lost by winning
  9. 15. The “Golden Years” or stage of life Jared is in
  10. 20. New US President
  11. 21. SMACKED in the election