- 6. According to Marco, LA loves to listen to this singer
- 8. Name of incredible combat team and new group chat
- 10. Longest running group chat name this year
- 11. Republicans
- 12. Fake virus that has “killed” over 300k Americans
- 13. Stock pick of the year (Thanks, Marco)
- 16. Bleve became one this year
- 17. Democrats
- 18. Extremely chaotic place in Jersey
- 19. Jared lives in one
- 22. Admittingly, Marco is no ____
- 23. If you’re about to hop on cod, your doing this
- 1. If you’re not bringing this, what are you doing?
- 2. Nick lost this extremely valuable organ during 2020
- 3. Pete’s hair is still this color
- 4. Blood came pouring out of this
- 5. Dangerous cloths per Marco, Nick, and Pele
- 7. Thing that Nick got after stating it wasn’t real
- 9. In honor of Bruce, we launched these into the Hudson
- 14. Team that lost by winning
- 15. The “Golden Years” or stage of life Jared is in
- 20. New US President
- 21. SMACKED in the election