- 3. What Alex and Joaquin used to call each other
- 4. Spinks' Car
- 7. Shortest member of the Baja Boys
- 10. Calvin's Car
- 13. Oh my ___
- 15. _____ Gardens
- 17. Luke's Car
- 19. _____ Sushi
- 21. Article of clothing that Caden wears the most
- 22. Liam is...
- 1. BPM's favorite type of huzz
- 2. Caleb's Car
- 5. Size of bike Calvin Wants
- 6. Tallest member of the Baja Boys
- 8. Last name of teacher who Calvin calls for as he is getting raped
- 9. Game that Calvin and Caleb played (shortened)
- 11. Mrs.Petting____
- 12. Bowden's best replacement
- 14. Your Bros are your ____
- 15. Low Taper Fade
- 16. Jaxon is...
- 18. The most dangerous city in the world
- 20. Caden's Car