- 5. our group breakfast place
- 6. morgans favorite saying
- 9. what lucy calls everyone
- 10. macy, lucy, and savs former favorite game
- 11. everyone's favorite sibling
- 13. the song we sing in savs basement
- 16. The funniest mom
- 18. barrett hates these
- 1. lucy and macy dominate at this
- 2. what barr has at her house at 5 pm
- 3. Our favorite twins
- 4. what bauer always has to go to
- 7. lucy and savs favorite person
- 8. savs favorite food
- 12. the word that sav and lucy called everyone in 7 grade
- 13. lucy has 3 of these
- 14. sav had one but it died
- 15. we all love this about bauer
- 17. the words lucy shouldn't say in public
- 19. morgan and sav have the best ________