Friends Crossword

  1. 3. number of pages of rachel's letter to ross
  2. 6. joey's stuffed penguin
  3. 7. phoebe's twin sister
  4. 9. ross and monica's childhood dog
  5. 10. the color of monica's door
  6. 11. emma's first word
  7. 12. chandler's mother
  8. 14. color of the central perk couch
  9. 16. phoebe's "made up" grandfather
  10. 18. monica and rachel's downstairs neighbor
  11. 20. rachel's thanksgiving dessert
  1. 1. joey's favorite food
  2. 2. chandler's middle name
  3. 4. joey's childhood imaginary friend
  4. 5. ross' pet monkey
  5. 8. the youngest friend
  6. 10. ross and rachel's first date
  7. 13. joey's barcalounger
  8. 15. joey's agent
  9. 17. rachel's tattoo
  10. 19. ross is allergic to