- 1. Gameshow Joey was auditioning for.
- 3. Ross’s profession.
- 6. Where does Monica run into Richard after they break-up?
- 7. Who causes the fire in Phoebe’s apartment.
- 8. Joey’s female roommate.
- 10. Rachel’s sister.
- 11. Name of Ross’s son.
- 12. What state Chandler had to move to for work.
- 15. What name does Monica introduce herself as when she meets the woman who stole her identity.
- 16. The coffee shop they hang out in.
- 18. Who’s watch does Monica smash?
- 19. What name did Monica want to name her daughter one day.
- 2. Women, What book made Joey cry.
- 4. Joey threw her wooden leg in a fire.
- 5. Joey’s character on Days of Our Lives.
- 7. Car What kind of bed mistakenly gets delivered to Monica.
- 9. Where is Rachel a personal shopper?
- 13. Monica’s Restaurant.
- 14. Who gives Rachel a scarf for her birthday.
- 17. Dated Joey and Chandler.