Friends Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Gameshow Joey was auditioning for.
  2. 3. Ross’s profession.
  3. 6. Where does Monica run into Richard after they break-up?
  4. 7. Who causes the fire in Phoebe’s apartment.
  5. 8. Joey’s female roommate.
  6. 10. Rachel’s sister.
  7. 11. Name of Ross’s son.
  8. 12. What state Chandler had to move to for work.
  9. 15. What name does Monica introduce herself as when she meets the woman who stole her identity.
  10. 16. The coffee shop they hang out in.
  11. 18. Who’s watch does Monica smash?
  12. 19. What name did Monica want to name her daughter one day.
  1. 2. Women, What book made Joey cry.
  2. 4. Joey threw her wooden leg in a fire.
  3. 5. Joey’s character on Days of Our Lives.
  4. 7. Car What kind of bed mistakenly gets delivered to Monica.
  5. 9. Where is Rachel a personal shopper?
  6. 13. Monica’s Restaurant.
  7. 14. Who gives Rachel a scarf for her birthday.
  8. 17. Dated Joey and Chandler.