Friends' Exes

  1. 2. A "neat guy"
  2. 4. Got between Ross and Rachel during a blackout
  3. 5. Richard's last name
  4. 6. "Does he drink it, sell it, or just complain a lot?"
  5. 10. Married cousin Frannie
  6. 11. Thought to be a yeti
  7. 12. Chandler's camp girlfriend (first name)
  8. 14. Had chicken pox
  9. 15. Rachel acted excited that he liked "her back"
  10. 16. Portrayed by Julia Roberts (first name)
  11. 18. Thinks all women are an "empty vase"
  12. 19. He was like Santa Clause on Prozac getting laid
  13. 21. A friend's mom who kissed another friend
  14. 22. Ross surprised friends by coming home from China with _____
  15. 24. Woman whose prosthetic leg got thrown in a fireplace
  16. 27. Rachel's assistant
  17. 28. Bald lover of Ross
  18. 29. Phoebe's first husband
  19. 30. Rachel made pancakes for this ex of Joey's
  20. 31. One-night-stand woman for Ross
  21. 33. He wore ladies' underwear
  22. 34. Ursula's stalker
  23. 35. A high school senior
  24. 36. Joey's ex who hits hard
  25. 38. Phoebe's fake boyfriend
  26. 41. Called Phoebe "Blursula"
  27. 42. Ross' second wife
  28. 44. Woman whose involvement resulted in Chandler being in a box
  1. 1. The sister Chandler fooled around with
  2. 3. Rachel dressed as a cheerleader to impress him
  3. 5. Fun ______ (Monica's fling)
  4. 7. Joey's roommate who he fell for
  5. 8. He went to Minsk
  6. 9. Dr. __________, D.D.S.
  7. 13. Closes down most restaurants he eats at
  8. 17. Needed a translator
  9. 18. Woman who left Chandler locked up
  10. 19. Became an MMA fighter
  11. 20. A sensitive firefighter
  12. 21. Chandler couldn't fire her
  13. 22. Chandler's recurring ex
  14. 23. Joey's ex who wanted to paint mugs
  15. 25. Woman who gifted fruit baskets
  16. 26. Already had a husband and a boyfriend
  17. 32. His relationship ended after he shot a bird
  18. 37. Richard's son
  19. 39. Psychoanalyzed the friends
  20. 40. Rachel's coconut clanking buddy
  21. 43. Formerly known as "The Chipper" (first name)