Friends Trivia

  1. 5. Who is Jack to Ross?
  2. 6. Who does James Michael Taylor play in the series?
  3. 8. The character name of Joey's agent.
  4. 10. Who is Ross' son?
  5. 11. The ugly item Rachel wanted to keep from Heckle's apartment.
  6. 13. Steven Eckholdt guest starred as __.
  7. 15. Who does Reese Witherspoon play in the series?
  8. 16. Whose Mom kisses Ross?
  1. 1. What is Chandler's last name?
  2. 2. "My hair is so perfect!"
  3. 3. How many sisters does Joey have?
  4. 4. Actor who plays Phoebe's "Submarine Guy" (last name)
  5. 7. Phoebe's twin
  6. 9. Phoebe loves the song "__ Cat".
  7. 12. Eddie __ plays Tag Jones for 7 episodes.
  8. 14. Who interrupts Chandler's first proposal plan?
  9. 15. Christina Pickles played the role of__.