Friendsgiving Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. This is the name of the event when people dress up like turkeys and race each other
  2. 4. Long line of people marching down the street
  3. 6. American's favorite pie
  4. 8. This is the most common meat served on Thanksgiving Day
  5. 9. This country to our north also celebrates Thanksgiving, but on a different day
  6. 10. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on this week of November
  7. 11. This color name is given to the Friday after Thanksgiving
  1. 1. The sound male turkeys make
  2. 3. The first Thanksgiving lasted this number of days
  3. 4. This city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade
  4. 5. This President made Thanksgiving a national holiday
  5. 7. Thanksgiving food that can be mashed or baked
  6. 10. People you are related to
  7. 12. This Texas football team plays every Thanksgiving Day