
  1. 3. Where are you right now?
  2. 4. Something you have on your back when hiking.
  3. 6. Someone who does research.
  4. 7. Your second language.
  5. 8. A subject at school to learn about the physical laws in nature.
  6. 11. Where you study after high school.
  7. 13. A serious illness such cancer.
  8. 14. Something important that you should take care of.
  9. 15. What do you see on page 99?
  10. 16. A famous university in the United States.
  1. 1. A university teacher.
  2. 2. What are they eating in the cartoon on page 96?
  3. 5. A subject at school to learn about mixtures of elements and compounds.
  4. 9. A group of relatives living in the same house.
  5. 10. The topic of Unit 7
  6. 12. A person in charge of a classroom.