- 1. Outer Ear
- 6. Grabs prey and brings into mouth
- 7. Turns into lungs in an amphibian
- 10. Equalize pressure while swimming/diving
- 11. Absorbs water and oxygen
- 14. To take air into mouth
- 16. Amphibians include frogs, toads, newts, salamanders and _________
- 17. Shell type of amphibian eggs
- 2. Change from a tadpole to an adult amphibian
- 3. Tube connecting mouth to stomach
- 4. Third eyelid to protect eye while swimming
- 5. Number of times easier to extract oxygen from air than water
- 8. Holding onto prey
- 9. Structure that tadpoles breathe with
- 12. Amphibians are _________-blooded
- 13. Grabbing and holding onto prey
- 15. Opening in mouth to lungs