Frog anatomy

  1. 1. Outer Ear
  2. 6. Grabs prey and brings into mouth
  3. 7. Turns into lungs in an amphibian
  4. 10. Equalize pressure while swimming/diving
  5. 11. Absorbs water and oxygen
  6. 14. To take air into mouth
  7. 16. Amphibians include frogs, toads, newts, salamanders and _________
  8. 17. Shell type of amphibian eggs
  1. 2. Change from a tadpole to an adult amphibian
  2. 3. Tube connecting mouth to stomach
  3. 4. Third eyelid to protect eye while swimming
  4. 5. Number of times easier to extract oxygen from air than water
  5. 8. Holding onto prey
  6. 9. Structure that tadpoles breathe with
  7. 12. Amphibians are _________-blooded
  8. 13. Grabbing and holding onto prey
  9. 15. Opening in mouth to lungs