Frog Anatomy

  1. 4. stores waste
  2. 7. near the stomach, and stores and eliminates blood cells
  3. 10. filter blood and make urine
  4. 13. A hopping amphibian
  5. 14. hearing
  6. 15. deliver oxygen to the body
  7. 16. all waste is collected
  8. 18. stores urine
  9. 19. carries blood back to the heart
  10. 20. digestion, uptake of sugar
  1. 1. stores bile,part of the digestive system
  2. 2. Catches pray
  3. 3. moves digested food out of the body
  4. 5. carries blood away
  5. 6. the first part of the small intestine
  6. 8. carry eggs in female frogs
  7. 9. stores food
  8. 11. Holds coils of the small intestine
  9. 12. air opening to exchange gases
  10. 17. protects eye