From Conception to Birth

  1. 5. Used to describe a woman who has a baby growing inside her.
  2. 6. These can be caused by an unhealthy pregnancy.
  3. 11. This is what a baby is called when still developing
  4. 13. This is how long it takes a baby to grow in the womb.
  5. 14. This is when the baby is removed from the mother through surgery.
  6. 15. Another word for the womb.
  7. 16. the developing baby is floating in this inside the womb/uterus
  1. 1. This is the sac inside the womb that contains the baby and the amniotic fluid.
  2. 2. This is what the fertilised egg is called as it first starts to develop.
  3. 3. This is what a fully developed baby in the womb is called.
  4. 4. This should be avoided during pregnancy as it can harm the baby.
  5. 7. the womb.
  6. 8. An egg travels down these once every month to get to the uterus
  7. 9. This is harmful to the baby during pregnancy.
  8. 10. This connects the baby to the mother and nutrients, oxygen and waste products pass along it.
  9. 12. Another word for the uterus.