from "I Am Malala" (Chapter 13) by Malala Yousafzai

  1. 2. Online, Malala wrote and published a ____. In it, she wrote about what life was like under Taliban rule.
  2. 5. Malala's last day of school was the beginning of her ____ vacation.
  3. 7. "Muslim Khan had said girls should not go to school and learn _____ ways."
  4. 9. "The Taliban is against education because they think that when a child reads a book or learns English or studies science he or she will become ____."
  5. 10. the building where the Taliban staged a siege in Islamabad; Malala enjoyed seeing it on her visit there
  6. 11. name of the country Malala was from
  7. 12. a Stanford University student who greatly supported Malala in speaking up for girls' education
  8. 16. Malala cried on her last day of school because she "didn't want to stop ____..."
  9. 19. On her last day of school, Malala and her friends played cops and ____ and mango mango.
  10. 21. Malala said that "Education is neither Eastern nor Western. It is ____."
  11. 22. the capital of Pakistan; Malala visited this beautiful city and wrote about the things she saw there...
  12. 23. On her last day of school, Malala had an argument with her friend, ____.
  13. 24. It was difficult for Malala to hear on her last day of school because of the noise of the ____ overhead.
  14. 25. After schools were closed, Malala spoke out and "went on as many _____ and TV channels as possible."
  1. 1. For Malala's father, the closing of all the girls' school "meant a loss of ____".
  2. 3. Malala's parents believed the Taliban wouldn't hurt her for speaking against them; her ____, however, wasn't so sure or confident.
  3. 4. vocabulary word that means "to influence with values, ideas, and practices typical of Europe and North America"
  4. 6. The old man Malala and her father spoke to on their visit to Islamabad was selling _____ outside of the Lot Virsa museum.
  5. 8. name of the valley Malala lived in
  6. 12. vocabulary word that means "an attack"
  7. 13. Malala's last name
  8. 14. For the New York Times, Malala filmed a documentary called "Class _____ in Swat Valley".
  9. 15. the name of Malala's brother (check the last paragraph in the text)
  10. 17. Malala told her documentary makers that "“They cannot stop me. I will get my _____ if it’s at home, school, or somewhere else."
  11. 18. name of a museum Malala visited while in Islamabad; it celebrated Pakistani heritage
  12. 20. the extremist group that took over the Swat Valley