From Slavery to Presidency

  1. 2. what the AA fought for in the 1960s
  2. 8. the Southern states which seceeded
  3. 12. the secrete routes used by runaway slaves
  4. 13. places where runaway slaves could stay on thier way to freedom
  5. 14. the institution where segregation was said to be unconstitutional
  6. 15. Southern states which did not join the Confederacy
  7. 16. killing someone without bringing them to stand trial
  8. 18. a programme to help AA and other minorities
  9. 20. the law which guaranteed the AA men the right to vote
  10. 21. the woman who started the bus boycott
  11. 23. it Means to get rid of slavery (verb)
  1. 1. the old organization fighting for racial equality
  2. 3. the system used to oppress AAs in the Southern States
  3. 4. according to this law run-away slaves had to be returned to their owners
  4. 5. someone who was against slavery
  5. 6. famous Confederate general
  6. 7. the soldiers who fought against the Union
  7. 9. where the slaves were sold
  8. 10. the people who helped slaves escape to the free states
  9. 11. the document which freed the slaves issued by Lincoln
  10. 17. the big farms where cotton etc was grown
  11. 19. the Laws which secured White supremacy in the Southern States
  12. 22. abbreviation for the new movement which fight against discrimination