fruid prducing plants

  1. 1. beans function for blood circulation in the body
  2. 3. serves to determine the health of the heart
  3. 7. serves to maintain eye health
  4. 8. fruit works to treat diarrhea and constipation
  5. 12. serves to prevent stress
  6. 15. acts as an anti diabetes
  7. 16. function to overcome inflammation
  8. 17. serves as a staple food
  9. 18. kara serves to reduce asthma
  10. 20. serves for healthy heart and blood vessels
  11. 21. papaya works to relieve flatulence
  1. 2. serves to lose weight
  2. 4. china serves to remove worms in the body
  3. 5. function to improve vision
  4. 6. serves to protect the skin
  5. 9. serves to treat stomach acid
  6. 10. serves as a source energy for the body
  7. 11. function to control body weight
  8. 13. serves to increase enruance
  9. 14. eggplants serves to help the body´s metabolism
  10. 19. melon serves for digestion of food