
  1. 1. any of various trees and shrubs (genus Prunus) of the rose family with globular to oval smooth-skinned edible fruits
  2. 4. a smooth-skinned juicy light green or deep red to purplish black berry eaten dried or fresh as a fruit or fermented to produce wine
  3. 6. Its a tropical plant with an edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries.
  4. 9. a large oblong or roundish fruit with a hard green or white rind often striped or variegated, a sweet watery pink, yellowish, or red pulp
  5. 11. the drupaceous fruit of the coconut palm whose outer fibrous husk yields coir and whose nut contains thick edible meat and, in the fresh fruit, a clear liquid
  6. 12. the edible fruit of a Chinese gooseberry having a fuzzy brown skin and slightly acidic typically green flesh
  7. 13. a pome fruit of a tree (genus Pyrus, especially P. communis) of the rose family that typically has a pale green or brownish skin
  8. 14. a globose berry with a yellowish to reddish-orange rind and a sweet edible pulp
  1. 1. a low spreading freely branching Chinese tree (Prunus persica) of the rose family that has lanceolate leaves and sessile usually pink flowers
  2. 2. a tropical usually large ovoid or oblong fruit with a firm yellowish-red skin, hard central stone, and juicy aromatic pulp
  3. 3. an elongated usually tapering tropical fruit with soft pulpy flesh enclosed in a soft usually yellow rind
  4. 5. a small nearly seedless citrus fruit that is probably a hybrid between a tangerine and an orange
  5. 7. juicy multi-seeded fruits harvested from trees
  6. 8. acid fruit that is botanically a many-seeded pale yellow oblong berry produced by a small thorny citrus tree
  7. 10. a pulpy green- to purple-skinned nutty-flavored fruit of any of various tropical American trees