
  1. 3. beans are a type of
  2. 6. the fleshy tissue of a fruit
  3. 9. every fruit comes from a ......
  4. 10. dry fruit that splits
  5. 14. group of three
  6. 15. strawberries are this type of fruit
  7. 16. flowerless seed producing
  1. 1. stone fruits are this type of fruit
  2. 2. fruit type derived from a single flower with several to many pistils
  3. 4. apples and pears are this type of fruit
  4. 5. grain
  5. 7. name of the fruit skin
  6. 8. part of a flower that will develop fruit
  7. 11. a lemon is this type of fruit
  8. 12. the inner boundary around the seed
  9. 13. a multi fruit