
  1. 2. tender and juicy meat that comes from birds. It can be grilled, roasted, or fried. It is often a favorite ingredient in dishes like nuggets, burgers, or tasty stir-fries.
  2. 6. starchy and versatile vegetable that grows underground. It can be cooked in many ways like mashed, baked, or fried into crispy chips. Potatoes make a delicious side dish or snack.
  3. 7. creamy and tangy food made from fermented milk. It comes in different flavors like strawberry, vanilla, or blueberry. It is a healthy snack and can be eaten on its own or with fruits.
  4. 9. round and citrus fruit that is juicy and sweet. It has a bright orange color and is packed with vitamin C. Oranges can be peeled and eaten or juiced to make refreshing drinks.
  5. 10. delicious and creamy food made from milk. It comes in different types like cheddar, mozzarella, or Swiss. It can be sliced, grated, or melted on top of your favorite dishes.
  6. 11. long and curved fruit with a yellow peel. It is soft and sweet to eat. It is a great snack and gives you energy. Monkeys love eating bananas too!
  7. 12. small and grainy food that is a staple in many cuisines around the world. It comes in different varieties like white or brown. It is great with curries, stir-fries, or as a side dish.
  8. 14. soft and fluffy food made from grains. It is often used to make sandwiches or toast. It comes in different shapes and sizes, and it can be white, brown, or even filled with seeds.
  1. 1. white and creamy liquid that comes from cows. It is packed with nutrients and is good for your bones and teeth. It can be drunk plain or used to make yummy smoothies and milkshakes.
  2. 2. sweet and delicious treat made from cocoa beans. It comes in different forms like bars, candies, or as an ingredient in desserts. It is loved by many
  3. 3. small and oval-shaped food that comes from chickens. It has a hard shell and a soft inside. Eggs can be boiled, fried, or used in baking to make cakes and cookies.
  4. 4. crunchy and sweet fruit that comes in different colors like red, green, or yellow. It is great for snacks and is good for your health. It grows on trees and makes tasty juice.
  5. 5. small and sweet fruit that is bright red and heart-shaped. It is juicy and often eaten fresh or used in desserts like cakes, ice creams, or as a topping on pancakes.
  6. 8. juicy and red fruit that is used as a vegetable in cooking. It is often seen in salads, sandwiches, or pasta sauces. It adds a fresh and tangy flavor to your meals.
  7. 13. long and orange vegetable that grows underground. It is crunchy and good for your eyes and skin. It is often used in salads, soups, or as a snack with dip.