Fruit Crossword

  1. 2. This type of fruit is grown in warm climates; exotic; different in warm skin composition and seed characteristic. Examples: pineapple, bananas, mangoes, papayas, kiwi
  2. 7. This occurs when the cut surface of food reacts with oxygen (browning).
  3. 8. Once some fruits are cut, they may turn brown while exposed to the air, such as apples or bananas.
  4. 11. fruits that are usually small for their size and have poor color and texture.
  5. 13. Fresh fruits are agriculturally products known as:
  6. 14. fruits that are very firm, lack flavor, and have not yet reached top eating quality.
  1. 1. Small, juicy fruits with a thin skin and fragile cell structure and is highly perishable.
  2. 3. Fruits that have reached their peak flavor and are ready to eat.
  3. 4. These fruits have thick rinds and thin membranes separating the flesh into segments. Grown in warmer regions. Examples: oranges, tangerines, limes, lemons, grapefruit
  4. 5. Always do this to remove pesticides that might remain on the skin.
  5. 6. Fruits that have reached their full size and color.
  6. 9. A single, hard seed, also called a pit or stone, identifies this fruit. The inner flesh is soft and covered by a tender, edible skin.
  7. 10. These fruits are part of the gourd family; large and juicy with thick rings and many seeds. Examples: cantaloupe, casaba, honeydew, watermelon
  8. 12. This happens when starches found in the fruit break down into sugar.
  9. 15. This type of fruit has a thick, firm flesh with tender, edible skin. The central core contains several small seeds.