- 2. There is a movie about this fruit...James and the big? They are also fuzzy on the outside
- 3. These can be red, green or even cotton candy
- 5. They have a brown fuzz and are green inside
- 6. Usually in jam form and turkey is the known as the mass producer
- 9. Grows on a tree in the myrtle family, they are tropical, green outside and pink inside and known to grow in Mexico
- 10. know as the stone fruit
- 15. Some are ruby,and its know for its sour taste and is tropical.
- 16. These are grown in hot weather, know to be green inside and have a huge pit (seed)
- 17. These are yellow and can make you pucker
- 18. They grow in the summer. Look pruplish
- 19. These are red, have stones in the middle and have stems. You put them on sundaes, which is a different version.
- 21. Eaten in the summer/most favorite fruit
- 22. These are mini oranges
- 1. Monkeys love this fruit
- 4. It’s tropical and yellow inside and spongebob lives in one
- 7. These are red and when picked a hole is left in the fruit
- 8. most common versions are the purple outside and yellow inside
- 10. Fruit for chocolate and cocoa
- 11. These are known to grown in Florida and they are made into juice
- 12. Seeds are on the outside and they are red
- 13. Can be used as a meat replacement
- 14. appear similar to raspberries but are purplish/blackish
- 16. You can pick these in the fall and are red
- 19. Known as nut but, is really a fruit, makes an apple that’s oval. The skin is extremely poisonous
- 20. Is the national fruit of India, commonly orange inside, native to Southeast Asia