
  1. 2. There is a movie about this fruit...James and the big? They are also fuzzy on the outside
  2. 3. These can be red, green or even cotton candy
  3. 5. They have a brown fuzz and are green inside
  4. 6. Usually in jam form and turkey is the known as the mass producer
  5. 9. Grows on a tree in the myrtle family, they are tropical, green outside and pink inside and known to grow in Mexico
  6. 10. know as the stone fruit
  7. 15. Some are ruby,and its know for its sour taste and is tropical.
  8. 16. These are grown in hot weather, know to be green inside and have a huge pit (seed)
  9. 17. These are yellow and can make you pucker
  10. 18. They grow in the summer. Look pruplish
  11. 19. These are red, have stones in the middle and have stems. You put them on sundaes, which is a different version.
  12. 21. Eaten in the summer/most favorite fruit
  13. 22. These are mini oranges
  1. 1. Monkeys love this fruit
  2. 4. It’s tropical and yellow inside and spongebob lives in one
  3. 7. These are red and when picked a hole is left in the fruit
  4. 8. most common versions are the purple outside and yellow inside
  5. 10. Fruit for chocolate and cocoa
  6. 11. These are known to grown in Florida and they are made into juice
  7. 12. Seeds are on the outside and they are red
  8. 13. Can be used as a meat replacement
  9. 14. appear similar to raspberries but are purplish/blackish
  10. 16. You can pick these in the fall and are red
  11. 19. Known as nut but, is really a fruit, makes an apple that’s oval. The skin is extremely poisonous
  12. 20. Is the national fruit of India, commonly orange inside, native to Southeast Asia