
  1. 2. is a fruit that has sharp skin like thorns, it tastes sweet and sometimes people don't like it because of its aroma
  2. 5. has a star-like shape and has a sweet taste but a little sourness
  3. 8. is a fruit that is oval / elliptical, yellow, scaly, soft, some are sweet and some are sour
  4. 10. is a fleshy, oval, yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles or chutneys
  5. 12. contains tannins which are efficacious to strengthen gums and stop bleeding and are usually used for ceremonial events such as concoction of betel nut for traditional ceremonies.
  6. 13. is a fruit that is round as big as an egg and has scaly skin
  7. 15. is a round juicy citrus with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind
  8. 17. is a fruit that has an elongated shape, tastes sweet and is often used as a frying pan
  9. 18. is a fruit that is cooked to become rice
  10. 19. is a fruit that contains lots of water, which is made into coconut milk and the water is good for reducing heat
  1. 1. is a fruit whose seeds are used as a source of oil and spices
  2. 3. is a round fruit that has plates, with very short hair, slightly oblong (oval) and coarse
  3. 4. is a fruit that grows in the ground, can be made of rice, can be made of chips and tape.
  4. 6. is a type of fruit that has a lot of water content and when ripe it is usually pink
  5. 7. is natives to Indonesia, widely used as a spice in spicy dishes in European countries, and as the main ingredient in Indonesian clove cigarettes.
  6. 9. are fruit as big as marbles that are very popular with people and are often used as a drink. This fruit has three kinds of colors: black, red and green.
  7. 11. is a fruit that is often used to make ice cream, cakes, snacks, milk and chocolate
  8. 12. is a fruit the size of a fist, green in color and often used as fruit juice
  9. 14. is a type of orange whose fruit is commonly used as a flavoring and freshener in many of the world's culinary arts.
  10. 16. is a green fruit, the skin surface is not flat like thorns, the contents are white and have a lot of seeds