  1. 2. : plants that are many live in in the beach area.
  2. 7. : a plant that has prickly fruit
  3. 8. : long balls, lots of liquid
  4. 12. : Consuming fasting month
  5. 13. : a plant whose fruits seem to have feathers.
  6. 14. : citrus fruit
  7. 16. : oval shaped, sphere and green or yellowish green, frecks-purple spots.
  8. 17. the redruit of the red and yellow
  9. 18. vines and has a small fruit shrinkle
  10. 19. : it’s quite small in shape and has a bright red in it.
  11. 20. : yellow flesh with fresh sense
  1. 1. : a single leaf that the fruit has a lot of sticky sap
  2. 3. : golden-yellow, almost similart a plum.
  3. 4. : a fruit that is white in color and tastes quite sour.
  4. 5. : a plant that has yellow fruit.
  5. 6. : white with rind red or green.
  6. 9. breed with shoots and fruit in yellow.
  7. 10. at a gender age of green and will turn greenish yellow at the age of harvest.
  8. 11. : it has a rounded fruit shape, a greenish-white rind soft without nets.
  9. 15. : the inside is orange