- 1. the scaly fruit
- 4. is a versatile fruit
- 6. have a crown
- 9. A fruit as big as a marble that people really like, and is often used as a drink. This fruit has 3 kinds of colors, black, red, green.
- 10. are often used when breaking the fast
- 15. is as a material for making cigarettes
- 16. round,large and red inside
- 17. purple skin and white contens
- 20. is a long oval fruit
- 2. The fruit is as big as a fist, has two colors, green and red. for the red ones, they are sold in seeds and wrapped in a soft net
- 3. is a thorny fruit
- 5. are spicy fruit
- 7. to get rid of the fishy smell
- 8. has large seeds and yellow flesh
- 11. have green colored skin, bullied seeds and are usually made into juice
- 12. orange flesh is rich in vitamin c
- 13. red and the size of a marble
- 14. the basic igredient of chocolate
- 18. has green fruit with white or red flesh and sour-sweet taste.
- 19. fruit like a star