
  1. 4. how many calories are in kiwi fruit
  2. 6. why is it better to eat fruits
  3. 8. why are fruits vital for health
  4. 9. adding fruits to your diet can help your intake in
  5. 11. fruits produce what
  6. 13. adding fruits to your diet can help you maintain a
  7. 14. how many calories are in grapes
  8. 15. fruit juices contain little to non
  9. 16. what nutrients are in fruits
  1. 1. helps you maintain a healthy blood pressure
  2. 2. how many calories are in an apple
  3. 3. What is in an orange
  4. 5. how many calories are in a banana
  5. 7. people who eat fruit have a less chance of having
  6. 9. fruits are low in
  7. 10. how many calories are in a banana
  8. 12. what is important for growth