
  1. 2. it is a cousin to poison oak
  2. 4. its blue and its small
  3. 6. spiky
  4. 8. its red and juicy and Edie and Violet don't like it
  5. 10. This is the fruit were Violet said that if we don't know what this fruit was then we have been living in a potatoe
  6. 11. it has a raisin like pit
  7. 14. its orange
  8. 16. most people like this
  9. 17. its purple and its on a vine
  1. 1. its shaped like a star when you cut it
  2. 3. this is not a fruit but Avery likes it a lot
  3. 5. its yellow and its Beethoven's favorite fruit
  4. 7. they have a hard shell and you can drink the juice
  5. 9. its black and its like the redish pink fruit that young people put on their fingers
  6. 12. its on a vine but its green
  7. 13. its redish pink and young people put it on their fingers
  8. 15. its tiny and has a pit in it