  1. 4. Is very similar to watermelon
  2. 5. It is brown on the outside and green on the inside
  3. 6. Some of the people say that it is a fruit but other say that is a vegetable
  4. 9. This fruit makes you happier
  5. 13. It is small and blue
  6. 14. It is shaped like a eggplant and it is green
  7. 15. This fruit is very hard and they are in the islands
  1. 1. This fruit have lot of vitamin
  2. 2. We used to do wacamole
  3. 3. In this fruit live Spongebob
  4. 7. It is red and in the top have leefs
  5. 8. It is like a orange but smaller
  6. 10. Can be green or red
  7. 11. This fruit we eat it for summer and have a lot of water
  8. 12. We eat it for the bells of the end of the year