
  1. 7. They are orange and grow on a tree.
  2. 8. They are related to apples and are green or yellow.
  3. 10. Monkeys enjoy fighting each other for them.
  4. 11. They are red, huge, sweet and there outer color is green.
  5. 13. They look like a melon with black seeds on the inside.
  6. 15. They are green on the inside and brown on the outside.
  7. 19. They can be purple or green and there small.
  8. 20. They are small sweet and have a huge seed.
  9. 21. They are red,sometimes sweet and grow in different sizes.
  10. 22. They are typically eaten at Thanksgiving and are also made in muffins with orange flavored.
  11. 23. They are sometimes red on the outside and they do a festival for it every year.
  1. 1. They are green and sour.
  2. 2. They are blue and grow on tiny bushes.
  3. 3. They are pink on the outside with white inside and black seeds.
  4. 4. They are red with seeds and they grow on a tiny bush.
  5. 5. They are yellow and sour.
  6. 6. They are orange and are similar to oranges.
  7. 9. They are red and grow on tall bushes.
  8. 12. They are orange and have some red on them.
  9. 13. They have the word apple in them.
  10. 14. They are green on the inside and black on the outside.
  11. 16. It is a princesses name in mario games.
  12. 17. They are orange on the inside they are sweet and related to watermelon.
  13. 18. They look like onions and have tiny red seeds on the inside.