
  1. 4. melon Large melon with a smooth, pale green skin and sweet, juicy flesh inside. It has a mild and refreshing flavor.
  2. 8. Fruit with a unique star-shaped cross-section and a yellow or green color. It has a crisp texture and a tangy, citrus-like flavor.
  3. 10. Fruit with a vibrant orange color and a sweet, honey-like flavor. It has a soft and pulpy texture.
  4. 12. Small fruit with a dark black or purple color. It has a sweet and slightly tart flavor with a juicy texture.
  5. 13. Large fruit with a hard, brown shell and a white, fleshy interior. It has a sweet and nutty flavor and is often associated with tropical regions.
  6. 15. Small fruit with a vibrant red color and a sweet and slightly tart flavor. It has a juicy texture and is often used in desserts.
  1. 1. Small fruit with a rough, pinkish-red skin and a juicy, translucent flesh inside. It has a sweet and floral taste with a hint of tartness.
  2. 2. Citrus fruit with a bright yellow color and a tart, acidic taste. It has a fragrant aroma and is often used for its juice or zest.
  3. 3. Exotic fruit with a brown, fuzzy skin and vibrant green flesh. It has a tangy and slightly sweet flavor with small black seeds.
  4. 5. Exotic fruit with a vibrant pink or yellow exterior and unique green scales. It has a mild and slightly sweet flavor with a crunchy texture.
  5. 6. Tropical fruit with a green or yellow skin and a sweet, tangy taste. It has a creamy, pink or white flesh with small seeds.
  6. 7. Small fruit with a smooth skin and a deep red or black color. It has a sweet and juicy flavor with a slight hint of tartness.
  7. 9. Large, tropical fruit with a yellow or orange skin. It has a sweet and musky flavor with a soft and buttery texture.
  8. 11. Small, round fruit that comes in different colors like green, red, or purple. It has a juicy flesh and a sweet or slightly tart taste.
  9. 14. Tropical fruit with a smooth, golden skin and a juicy, sweet flesh inside. It has a tropical flavor and a fragrant aroma.