
  1. 4. A soft, fuzzy fruit with a round shape and a yellow or reddish skin. It has a sweet and juicy flesh and is often enjoyed fresh or used in pies, preserves, and desserts.
  2. 5. Small, red berries with a sweet and slightly tart flavor. They have a soft texture and are commonly eaten fresh, used in desserts, or made into jams and sauces.
  3. 6. A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet, red or pink flesh. It is typically eaten in slices and is refreshing, especially during hot summer days.
  4. 8. A juicy fruit with a smooth, orange skin and sweet, tropical taste. It has a fibrous flesh surrounding a large, flat pit and is commonly eaten fresh or used in smoothies and salsas.
  5. 10. Small, round berries with a dark blue or purple skin. They have a sweet and slightly tart taste and are commonly eaten fresh or used in baked goods, jams, and smoothies.
  6. 13. A small, round fruit with a bright red or dark purple skin. It has a sweet and tart flavor and a hard pit in the center. Cherries are often eaten fresh or used in desserts.
  7. 15. A tropical fruit with a rough, spiky skin and sweet, yellow flesh. It has a tangy flavor and is often consumed fresh or used in tropical dishes and desserts.
  1. 1. A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel. It has a soft, sweet flesh and is commonly consumed as a snack or added to desserts and smoothies.
  2. 2. A fruit with a distinctive shape, usually narrow at the top and wider at the bottom. It has a smooth, thin skin and a crisp, juicy flesh. Pears are eaten fresh or used in cooking.
  3. 3. A round or oval-shaped fruit with a firm and juicy flesh. It typically has a red or green skin and is often eaten fresh or used in various dishes.
  4. 7. A citrus fruit with a bright orange color and a sweet, tangy flavor. It is often peeled and eaten fresh or used to make juice.
  5. 9. Small, round fruits that grow in clusters on vines. Grapes can be green, red, or purple and are enjoyed fresh or used to make wine, juices, and jams.
  6. 11. A citrus fruit with a bright yellow, acidic flesh and a sour taste. It is often used to add flavor to foods and beverages, such as lemonade, salads, and desserts.
  7. 12. A small, juicy fruit with a red, textured skin and small seeds on the surface. It has a sweet and slightly tart taste and is popular in desserts and as a topping.
  8. 14. A small, oval-shaped fruit with a brown, fuzzy skin and green flesh. It has a tangy and sweet flavor and is typically eaten fresh or used in fruit salads and smoothies.