
  1. 4. A highly trained spy and martial artist, she's known for her stealth and combat skills while fighting alongside other heroes.
  2. 9. A sorcerer with the ability to manipulate time and reality, he protects the world from mystical and magical threats.
  3. 10. A patriotic hero with a shield that can be thrown like a boomerang. He stands for honor, justice, and the American way.
  4. 11. The ruler of the seas with the power to communicate with sea creatures and control water, he protects the oceans and their inhabitants.
  5. 12. A superhero with incredible strength, the ability to fly, and laser vision. He wears a blue costume with a red cape and an iconic "S" symbol.
  6. 13. The Norse god of thunder wields a mighty hammer called Mjolnir and can summon lightning to defeat villains.
  1. 1. When scientist Bruce Banner gets angry, he transforms into the Hulk, a giant with incredible strength and near-invulnerability.
  2. 2. A speedster with superhuman speed, he can run at incredible velocities and use his speed to save the day.
  3. 3. A superhero who can climb walls and shoot webs from his wrists, swinging between buildings to fight crime.
  4. 5. A genius inventor who created a suit of powered armor, giving him super strength and the ability to fly.
  5. 6. A powerful warrior with a magic lasso that compels truthfulness and bracelets that deflect bullets. She fights for justice and equality.
  6. 7. A hero known for his detective skills, he fights crime in a bat-themed suit and uses gadgets like the Batarang and Batmobile.
  7. 8. The king of Wakanda wears a vibranium suit with superhuman abilities. He's a skilled warrior and protector of his nation.