
  1. 3. Large, pear-shaped fruit with orange flesh and black seeds, known for its sweet taste.
  2. 4. Round, fuzzy fruit with a soft, pinkish-yellow skin and a sweet, juicy interior.
  3. 5. Round or oval-shaped fruit with smooth skin, available in various colors like purple or red.
  4. 6. Oval-shaped fruit with a smooth skin and sweet, juicy, orange flesh.
  5. 9. Small, red fruit with a tart taste, often used in juices or dried for snacks.
  6. 10. Small, red fruit with tiny seeds on the surface and a sweet, slightly tart taste.
  7. 14. Tropical fruit with a rough, spiky skin and sweet, tangy yellow flesh.
  8. 15. Small, brown, and fuzzy fruit with green flesh and black seeds, known for its tangy flavor.
  9. 17. Large, green fruit with a juicy, red interior filled with black seeds.
  10. 18. Small, round fruit that grows in clusters and comes in various colors like green, red, or purple.
  11. 20. Citrus fruit with a yellow or pink color, known for its tangy and slightly bitter taste.
  1. 1. Small, red fruit made of many small round sections, typically sweet and tangy.
  2. 2. Citrus fruit with a bright yellow color, known for its sour taste and acidic juice.
  3. 7. Citrus fruit with a bright orange color, known for its juicy, tangy flavor.
  4. 8. Small, round fruit with a bright red or dark color, often sweet or slightly tart.
  5. 11. Long, curved fruit with a soft peel and sweet taste, typically yellow when ripe.
  6. 12. Round or oval-shaped fruit with a crunchy texture and various colors like red, green, or yellow.
  7. 13. Dark purple fruit composed of many small drupelets, known for its sweet and tangy taste.
  8. 16. Small, round fruit with a dark blue or purple color, known for its sweet taste.
  9. 19. Fruit with a rounded bottom and narrow top, often green or yellow and sweet when ripe.