
  1. 3. Red and have a seed in the middle.
  2. 4. The shape represents a pork pie.
  3. 8. Star shaped fruit.
  4. 11. In different places you can get them covered in chocolate and nuts,ect.
  5. 12. Can also be called a winter melon.
  6. 13. Like blueberries but are red.
  7. 14. Juciy,sweet fruit that everyone eats in summer.
  8. 16. You put these on your fingers and eat them.
  9. 17. Ketchup is made out of it
  1. 1. Close to a Lemon
  2. 2. Girls put these on their eyes at a spa.
  3. 5. Best covered in chocolate.
  4. 6. Sponge bob lives in this under the sea.
  5. 7. The name of the princess in Mario.
  6. 9. A type of orange.
  7. 10. As soon as you are near you smell a tropic and sweet smell.
  8. 15. Fuzzy skin fruit.