
  1. 4. yellow and grows on trees
  2. 5. yellow and monkeys love it
  3. 7. shaped like a tennis ball and orange
  4. 8. is red and grows on a plant has seeds on the outside
  5. 11. brown outside and green inside with seeds
  6. 13. small, orange and similar to another fruit
  7. 14. on the outside green or red and on the inside yellow with bone
  8. 16. can be yellow or purple and has bone
  9. 17. usually two together, red and with bone
  1. 1. small with bone and grow several together
  2. 2. brown outside and white inside
  3. 3. green on the outside and basketball ball shape
  4. 6. they can be red or green
  5. 9. a cartoon character lives inside
  6. 10. purple outside and red inside
  7. 12. shaped like a rugby ball
  8. 15. shaped tennis ball with bone