Fruits and Vegetables

  1. 3. Candied yams are a baked dish containing yams, another type of _____ tuber.
  2. 6. Ability to reduce oxidative stress and promote heart health.
  3. 8. Fruits and vegetables are also naturally low in _____ and fat.
  4. 10. The US Supreme Court actually ruled that tomatoes should be classified as _____ rather than fruits.
  5. 13. Fruits and vegetables are classified from both a ________ and culinary standpoint
  6. 14. Rich in fiber, plus a good source of vitamin C.
  7. 15. F & V are high in _____ as well as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant compounds.
  8. 17. Fruits and vegetables have a lot of similarities in terms of _____.
  9. 19. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber, they could even help keep your _____ under control.
  10. 20. Sweet potato pie is a _____ that is a traditional part of Thanksgiving in the United States.
  11. 22. A fruit develops from the _____ of a plant.
  1. 1. Increasing your fiber intake through fruits and vegetables may even reduce your risk of _____.
  2. 2. Fruits contain seeds, while vegetables can consist of roots, stems and _____.
  3. 4. Increase in fruit and vegetable intake can actually lead to a reduction in the development of _____.
  4. 5. Fruit juice provides a _____ dose of the vitamins, minerals and sugars found in fruit,
  5. 7. Some vegetable varieties have a naturally _____ flavor.
  6. 9. Fruits tend to have a higher amount of natural _____ and calories compared to most varieties of vegetables.
  7. 11. _____ vegetables may be composed of 84–95% water.
  8. 12. Leafy Greens have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, _____ and cancer.
  9. 16. Eating more fruits and vegetables is associated with a decreased risk of heart _____.
  10. 18. One study even found that eating more than _____ servings per day slashed the risk of heart disease by 70%
  11. 21. Vegetables have a more mild or _____ taste.