Fruits & Vegetables

  1. 1. using water to prepare remove soil on vegetables
  2. 2. an orange root vegetable
  3. 3. fruits that have reached top eating quality
  4. 8. cooking method used for all-purpose potatoes
  5. 10. an example of a tuber
  6. 11. fruits that are full sized but haven't reached peak eating quality
  7. 13. method of cooking vegetables until crisp
  8. 14. cooking machine used to prevent vegetables from becoming soggy
  9. 18. Burn moisture loss caused by improper packaging
  10. 20. grown with chemicals and growth hormones
  11. 21. small juicy fruits with a thin skin
  12. 24. fruit with a single hard seed
  13. 25. cooking food in a small amount of liquid at temperatures just below simmering
  14. 27. fruits that come packed in juices or syrups
  15. 29. adding water to restore a dried food
  16. 30. dipping fruits in lemon will prevent this
  17. 33. pigment found in red vegetables
  18. 36. foods that come in plastic bags or paper cartons
  19. 37. fruits with a thick rind & many seeds
  1. 1. form of vegetable that best retains flavor
  2. 4. fruits that haven't reached full size
  3. 5. cooking food in a liquid that has reached its highest temperature possible
  4. 6. these are pulses that can be used as meat substitute
  5. 7. you must do this in order to prevent steam from building up in potatoes
  6. 9. spread of harmful bacteria from one food to another
  7. 12. fruit with several small seeds
  8. 15. this removes the layer of nutrients & flesh on the vegetable
  9. 16. vegetable subgroup that's high in starch & calories
  10. 17. Illness sickness caused by eating contaminated food
  11. 18. pigment in white vegetables
  12. 19. potato best used for mashing
  13. 22. the sun filters through the water for these to grow
  14. 23. spoilage due to the breakdown of fats
  15. 26. substance that makes food unsafe to eat
  16. 28. fruits that come in boxes
  17. 31. flavorful but not sweet
  18. 32. vegetables that have already been preheated in boiling water
  19. 34. fruits and vegetables grown in tropical climates
  20. 35. grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or GMO's
  21. 36. vegetable subgroup that has a high water content