FS maths

  1. 2. 12:00
  2. 4. L x W x H
  3. 6. Around the outside of a rectangle
  4. 8. Shape of a ball
  5. 9. Looking down elevation
  6. 11. 1000
  7. 13. Mm in a metre
  8. 16. 210 divided by 70
  9. 17. Three squared
  10. 18. On a map 1 : 1000
  11. 20. Mm in cm
  12. 21. Angle less than 90
  13. 22. 100 x 100 x 100
  14. 23. Inches in a foot
  15. 25. three quarters
  16. 26. 9, 16, 25 are examples
  1. 1. five in a hundred
  2. 3. Length x width
  3. 5. B in bodmas
  4. 7. Times by
  5. 8. To get 3 from 18 you divide by
  6. 9. divides by one and itself
  7. 10. 2100 - 2001
  8. 12. 24 x 11
  9. 14. Angle between 90 and 180
  10. 15. The faces on a cuboid
  11. 19. 100
  12. 24. Below zero