
  1. 2. mental abuse to humans
  2. 3. metal human
  3. 8. an extremely large number
  4. 9. Another word for muscle spasm
  5. 10. a thought in your head
  6. 14. a little metal bird
  7. 16. place with books
  8. 19. max when hes mad
  9. 20. Chinese poem
  1. 1. a musical instrument
  2. 4. robot body
  3. 5. tv
  4. 6. an important sword
  5. 7. Tony d
  6. 11. knight clothing
  7. 12. book of words
  8. 13. a big number that starts with non
  9. 15. very hard math
  10. 17. fuel for humans
  11. 18. a big adventure