Fun Activities Vocabulary Puzzle

  1. 2. Sweets such as suckers or skittles
  2. 3. Is a musical instrument that you play by hitting it with a stick
  3. 5. My dad loves to build little _____ ships.
  4. 6. Every photographer has their own _____.
  5. 8. That test was way too ____! I got a great grade.
  6. 9. I love to fly my _____ by the sea.
  7. 10. Too hard or tough
  8. 13. When you get past the beginner level, you join the _____ level.
  9. 14. I like _____ better then candy. Chocolate chip are my favourite.
  10. 15. When you start something and are new at it, you are a _____.
  1. 1. Some examples are drums, piano, violin, and more...
  2. 4. I love to jam out on my _____ and sing rock and roll songs.
  3. 6. Do you want my _____? It is going to make me too hyper or energetic.
  4. 7. My favourite _____ is chess.
  5. 11. Would you like a cup of honey lime _____?
  6. 12. An instrument that is similar to a piano