Fun Friday v1

  1. 2. In the 1700's it was believed that pinning this item to your pillow on the night before valentine's day brought sweet dreams to you
  2. 5. In which country are mass weddings a tradition on Feb 14th?
  3. 9. We know him as a chubby, arrow-shooting baby but this Roman god is known for making mortals either fall in love or hate, who is he?
  4. 10. During the Victorian era, people who did not want attention or admirer's sent what in lieu of gifts or flowers?
  5. 11. Doctor's used to prescribe this for a broken heart.
  6. 12. What is the most common flower grown for valentine's day reaching 250 million?
  1. 1. How many pounds of chocolate is purchased by consumers for valentine's day?
  2. 3. What was the most-used emoji in 2023?
  3. 4. This state is home to most of the chocolatiers in the country.
  4. 5. What was the first valentine sent?
  5. 6. Which Pope declared February 14th "Saint Valentine's Day."
  6. 7. What profession gets the most valentine's cards?
  7. 8. Where was the first valentine sent from?