- 3. Beef is naturally what?
- 4. can be difficult to produce year-round.
- 7. Domesticated cattle came to this country in the early?
- 11. ____ is a group of domesticated bovine animals?
- 12. Naturally raised cattle have never received what?
- 15. Polyunsaturated fatty acids represent the smallest class of what?
- 16. A unique saturated fatty acid doesn't raise blood?
- 18. Most beef doesn't contain any what?
- 19. A common misunderstanding is all animal fats are what?
- 20. Certified organic cattle may be given what supplement?
- 1. How many calories does a 3 oz. serving of lean beef have?
- 2. Beef is a good source of how many nutrients?
- 5. Grain finished cattle spend how many months in a feed lot?
- 6. the cow eats____ and turns it into highly nutritious beef.
- 8. Cattle manure adds what to the soil?
- 9. Cattle are nature's own ____ machines.
- 10. Cattle produce a small amount of gas called what?
- 13. Animal behavior experts design pens and walkways to reduce the ____ on the cattle.
- 14. How much cattle becomes beef?
- 17. How many cuts of beef meet gov. guidelines for lean?