Fun with Freud

  1. 4. If you are way too into your mom, you may have this complex
  2. 5. ______ Fulfillment is the root of a dream
  3. 7. When "recent experiences, bodily sensations, childhood memories, and unconscious desires" are in one dream
  4. 9. When strong emotions are attached to less intense situations
  5. 12. Dreams have multiple roots
  6. 13. The conscious mind
  7. 15. Repressed feelings coming to the surface
  1. 1. The basics of a dream
  2. 2. These desires usually originate in early childhood and can go unnoticed
  3. 3. "Instincts that guide human behavior and shape civilization." (Stevenson 216)
  4. 6. Freud's claim that girls wish to become boys
  5. 8. If Mr. Ego fell into radioactive waste he would become ________; Or, a moral compass
  6. 10. The desires below the surface of a dream
  7. 11. The unconscious mind
  8. 14. Who is this crossword about?