Fun with PLW

  1. 2. Case law is also known as ____ law.
  2. 4. Party commencing civil proceeding.
  3. 5. Magistrate and District court belong to this court category.
  4. 6. Prosecutor must prove his case beyond reasonable doubt to win his case.
  5. 7. Possible sanctions for criminal proceedings.
  6. 10. To claim $190,000 from a friend, you will apply to the ___ court.
  7. 11. One of the benefits of doctrine of judicial precedent.
  8. 12. High Court and Court of Appeal belong to this court category.
  9. 13. Judge's will ___ someone who is found to be not guilty.
  10. 14. A mandatory stage before a law can be enforced.
  11. 18. Singapore's final court is the Court of ___.
  12. 19. One of judge's decision in civil proceedings.
  13. 20. ____ court has unlimited jurisdiction.
  1. 1. Supreme law of the land.
  2. 3. In this proceeding, only need to produce evidence to prove defendant is liable on a balance of probablity.
  3. 6. Another benefit of doctrine of judicial precedent.
  4. 8. To charge someone for theft punishable with jail term not more than 10 weeks, you go to ___ court.
  5. 9. Party being charged in a criminal proceeding.
  6. 15. Possible sanctions for civil proceedings.
  7. 16. A draft legislation.
  8. 17. Another possible sanctions for criminal proceedings.