Fun @ work

  1. 3. Which room has no walls?
  2. 7. If you have one, you want to share it. But once you share it, you do not have it. What is it?
  3. 8. Where is an ocean with no water?
  4. 11. How many seconds are there in a year?
  5. 13. What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?
  6. 14. Forwards I’m heavy but backwards I’m not. What am I?
  7. 16. What are two things you can never eat for breakfast?
  1. 1. What travels the world while stuck in one spot?
  2. 2. Imagine you’re in a room that’s filling up with water quickly. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?
  3. 4. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
  4. 5. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
  5. 6. What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter in it?
  6. 9. What goes up as soon as the rain comes down?
  7. 10. What can you hold without touching it at all?
  8. 12. If you threw a red rock into a green sea, what would it come back as?
  9. 15. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?