Functions of Skeletal System, Tissue Composition, and Classification by Location

  1. 1. Cells Function of Skeletal System. What do bones form? Explain where this occurs.
  2. 4. Tissue that contains no nerves or blood vessels
  3. 6. Classification of bone by location. Bones of this category are located along the longitudinal axis of the body. Give two examples.
  4. 8. Function of Skeletal System. What do bones provide the body with? Give an example of how.
  5. 9. Type of bone growth also called endochondral ossification. Involves converting hyaline cartilage into bone and results in the formation of the medullary cavity. Explain at what age this begins in a fetus and how chondroblasts, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts work to achieve this.
  6. 12. Type of tissue that makes up bones
  7. 14. Type of cartilage found in intervertebral discs, symphysis pubis, and menisci of the knee. Cartilage is made of parallel rows of chondrocytes in an extracellular matrix filled with thick collagen fibers. Describe the function.
  8. 16. Function of Skeletal System. Give an example of two things bones house
  9. 17. Most abundant form of cartilage. Found at the ends of long bones, connects ribs to sternum, in the nose, larynx and trachea. Chondrocytes are in a matrix. Describe the function.
  1. 2. Place where chondrocytes are stored. Knowing that there are no nerves or blood vessels here, explain why cartilage is slow to heal after an injury.
  2. 3. Type of cartilage found in external ear, epiglottis, eustachian tubes. Chondrocytes are packed together. Describe the function.
  3. 5. Type of bone growth that causes bones to widen. Explain how osteoblasts in the pereosteum and osteoclasts in the endosteum work together to achieve this.
  4. 7. Can be elastic or collagen. Make cartilage resilient. Explain how.
  5. 10. Function of Skeletal System. What do bones provide the body with? Give an example of how.
  6. 11. Made of dense irregular tissue, contains blood vessels, acts to resist outward expansion when cartilage is compressed
  7. 13. Function of Skeletal System. What do bones allow the body to do? Explain how.
  8. 15. Classification of bone by location. Bones of this category are located in the limbs and girdles that connect limbs to the trunk. Give two examples.