Fundamental Principles of Radiobiology

  1. 2. An S-shaped type of dose-response relationship
  2. 3. As LET increases this also increases
  3. 9. States that ionizing radiation is more effective against cell which are highly mitotic, immature, and have a long dividing future
  4. 13. The splitting of radiation into smaller amounts over a period of time
  5. 14. Died due to the cumulative effects of radiation
  1. 1. Measures the rate of energy lost along the track of an ionizing particle
  2. 4. Dose-response relationship in which any dose may produce an effect and there is a direct relationship between radiation dose and observed effect
  3. 5. Any dose received, regardless of size, which will produce a response
  4. 6. Enhanced cell response due to aerobic conditions
  5. 7. Graph of the relationship between radiation dose and observed effect
  6. 8. The most radiosensive stage for humans
  7. 10. Division of biology concerned with effects of ionization on living things
  8. 11. Deterministic
  9. 12. The point where a stimulus (radiation) starts to produce an effect