fundamentals and npo

  1. 3. subscription received in advance by a club are shown in the __ side of balance sheet
  2. 6. interest on capital is allowed on the __ capital
  3. 7. life membership fee received by a club is shown in __
  4. 10. income and expenditure account is prepared on __ basis
  5. 11. the written agreement amongst the partners is __
  6. 14. current account of the partners are not opened when the capitals are __
  7. 17. receipts from the sale of old newspapers are taken as __
  8. 18. __ accounts of partners are maintained if capitals are fixed
  9. 19. current account of the partner should be opened when the capitals are __
  1. 1. income and expenditure account is a __ account
  2. 2. the liability of the partners in a partnership firm under Indian partnership act 1932 is __
  3. 4. receipts and payment account is a __ account
  4. 5. in the absence of partnership deed, interest of __ of a partner is allowed 6% per annum
  5. 8. salary or commission to a partner is an __ of profit
  6. 9. manager's commission is a __ against profit
  7. 12. in the absence of partnership deed, profit of the firm is divided among the partners ___
  8. 13. in case of partnership, the act of any partner is binding on __ partners
  9. 15. receipt and payment account is prepared on__ basis
  10. 16. honoranium is a __ expenditure