Fundamentals of Computer

  1. 4. Word Processing tool
  2. 5. basic unit of information in computing (binarydigit)
  3. 7. language of the computers
  4. 9. Full Form of RAM
  5. 12. Example of Input-output device
  6. 15. full form of VDU
  1. 1. device that helps take information out of the computer
  2. 2. 1024 bytes
  3. 3. all the physical parts of the computers
  4. 4. Display Device of a Computer
  5. 6. father of modern computer
  6. 8. eight bits
  7. 10. the brain of the computer
  8. 11. fastest and biggest computer
  9. 13. device that helps put information into the computer
  10. 14. portable storage device