Fundamentals of Law

  1. 3. body of law dealing with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses
  2. 5. disputes and private rights between individuals, organizations/ parties or between the two, in which compensation is awarded to the victim
  3. 10. is when one or more individuals attempt to harm another person
  4. 15. laws which place limitations on dangerous or unlawful items and activities
  5. 18. mild crimes (civil offenses or petty crimes) such as littering, parking violations, etc.; only punishable by tickets or fines
  6. 20. party who was wronged and is filing the civil law case
  7. 25. common evidentiary standard in criminal law cases meeting the burden of proof when the prosecutor demonstrates there is moral certainty of the defendant being guilty
  8. 26. each state’s unique system of laws and courts
  9. 27. crimes which can be considered between a felony and misdemeanor, based on circumstances
  1. 1. crimes which are planned and carried out by criminal groups such as gangs
  2. 2. common evidentiary standard in civil law cases meeting the burden of proof when at least 51 percent of the provided evidence favors the plaintiff’s claims and outcome
  3. 4. legal action between two parties in a criminal law case
  4. 6. less serious crimes such as shoplifting or DUI; usually carries a fine and/or jail sentence of less than a year
  5. 7. protect citizens from excessive charges, limit of freedoms and abusive power from authorities
  6. 8. obligation to prove or back up claims being made
  7. 9. law implementing and interpreting the United States constitution in criminal justice cases
  8. 11. disturbing others by gathering in groups or engaging in offensive public displays
  9. 12. type of evidentiary standard in civil and criminal cases meeting the burden of proof when evidence is substantially and highly more likely to be true than untrue
  10. 13. set of laws which are related to the punishment of crimes and offenses
  11. 14. legal action between two parties in a civil law case
  12. 16. committing an offense against a person working for the public service; crimes committed during a criminal procedure
  13. 17. occurs when a person intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence causes the death of another person
  14. 19. municipal regulations and laws enacted in local areas
  15. 21. serious crimes such as murder, kidnapping, robbery, etc.; punishable by a year or more in state prison
  16. 22. laws applied to the United States as a whole
  17. 23. additional financial penalties, determined by the judge; losing party in a civil law case must pay when the behavior was found to be especially harmful
  18. 24. responding party or alleged wrongdoer
  19. 26. party, the government, who is filing the criminal law case