Fundamentals of The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue

  1. 4. Branched cells that are responsible for forming myelin sheaths in nerve fibres in the CNS
  2. 6. barrier rovides a barrier between the blood in the capillary and the brain.
  3. 9. The activation of an effector organ, either a muscle or a gland to produce a response.
  4. 11. These are essentially the immune cells of the nervous system.
  5. 15. This is responsible for carrying nutrients and aiding in protecting brain cells from injury and helps to cushion them.
  6. 18. These cells decide what chemicals enter the brain and Nervous System through capillaries.
  7. 19. These are small helper cells that is found around delicate neurons, wrapping them to provide a suitable environment for the neurons to function.
  8. 21. These are fatty insulators covering the axons of our neurons to insulate them and propagate action potentials faster
  1. 1. These surrounds all peripheral nerve fibres and functions just like oligodendrocytes which is to form myelin sheaths in nerve fibres.
  2. 2. These surround cell bodies and have the same function as astrocytes, which is to maintain the chemical environment and ensure the neuron has all the ions and chemicals it needs
  3. 3. This is found in the CNS and is what holds all the organelles of the neurons
  4. 5. The interpretation and processing of the sensory output
  5. 7. neurones of nueron processes in the PNS
  6. 8. These cells line the central cavities of the brain and spinal column. They also form a permeable membrane between the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the cavities and tissue fluid bathing CNS cells.
  7. 10. A cluster on neuron cell bodies in the PNS
  8. 12. The fight or flight response of the Autonomic nervous system, it increases the heart and respiratory rates
  9. 13. Bundles of neuron processes in the CNS
  10. 14. These are excitable cells that transmit electrical impulses or signals. They do most of the work in the Nervous System
  11. 16. Rest and digestion function of the autonomic nervous system (slows down heart and respiratory rates, and digestive organ increases their functioning )
  12. 17. A cluster of neuron cell bodies in the CNS
  13. 20. When your sensory receptors collect or acknowledges either external or internal changes