
  1. 4. capable of causing superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, systemic or allergic diseases
  2. 6. hair and scalp
  3. 11. thrush, vaginitis, dysphagia & fever, can be HA for IC
  4. 12. (tinea nigra)dark brown pigmented, branched,dark brown to black patches on soles of hands or feet
  5. 13. alergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, aspergilloma
  6. 14. nails
  7. 15. Pacific NW U.S., pneumonia, skin ulcers,bone lesions
  8. 17. found in soil & on plants like rose thorns or splinters
  9. 18. rarely asymp, pnuemonia NO calcify, dissem.
  1. 1. violet wart like lesion progress to multiple nearby lesions that resemble cauliflower
  2. 2. athlete's foot
  3. 3. usually asymp.,pneum, dissem w/ erythema nodosum
  4. 5. rhinocerebral assoc with diabetes, lung mucormycosis
  5. 7. pneumonia, abscesses in lung, kidney, CNS
  6. 8. ringworm
  7. 9. normally asymp,pnuem. calcify lesions,dissem.
  8. 10. spaghetti and meatballs, hypo or hyperpigmented patches on skin
  9. 14. jock itch
  10. 15. pigeon droppings!, IC patients & AIDS, meningitis
  11. 16. eroding abscesses of the mouth, lung, or GI tract